Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What is landscape? Part 1

Today three visitors from various landscape related businesses came to present and discuss what landscape means to them. Introduced by Pat Brown, these individuals had such an interesting take on landscape that it was impossible to leave without having been inspired by their warmth, motivation and imagination. 

The first was Heather Ring from Wayward Plants. She was always curious as to what made a plant unwanted and, inspired by the ‘carcasses’ of Christmas trees left on roads after Christmas, began collecting unloved and discarded plants and placed them up for adoption on a website. She is also a big believer in networks of pocket green spaces that would connect various neighbourhoods together. Examples of her work are Bankside green forest- a popup/temporary green festival park, 100 union street urban orchard and the ongoing implementation of an algae garden to provide an alternative to biofuel (which is actually not as green as it sounds)

Landscape to her is about experimentation.

Next was Christian Spencer Davies from A Models. A lot of helpful tips were divulged on making unique models just by seeing the various models in his portfolio. Malteasers, pin heads, crumpled paper, buttons and even (jokingly) chocolate cake are just a few of the many unorthodox methods implemented and although not traditional, they were nevertheless quite stunning.
For him, landscape is about playing with the imagination and unconventionality.

Last to present were Je Ahn and Maria Smith from Studio Weave. Truly unique in their design methods, they believe that since humans are storytelling beings and that the landscape we live in is a congealed form of all these stories, each site to be created should have its own personified story.
Landscape to them is about embracing what a story can do and exploring how far we can take it.

Question and answer time. Favourite quote: "you cannot put lipstick on a gorilla"

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