Saturday, December 4, 2010

Philippe Parreno

This was perhaps one of the most interesting video gallery experience I have ever had. In the Serpentine gallery, there are 4 rooms with each room showing a short clip by Philippe Parreno. As soon as one movie ends, the blinds come up allowing daylight to wash in and a clip in the next room begins and was the same pattern on a non-stop cycle. The titles of the clips were 'The boy from mars' which created a heavy atmosphere what with the rain and sudden changes in scenes, 'June 8, 1968' was about people staring unmoving unblinking at a passing train, 'No more reality' was more about sounds rather than video and the chanting and protests of young children could be heard repeating the same line over and over again. Lastly was 'Invisible boy' where a young boy living alone in a very dirty apartment in China. Creatures appear in a Dr. Suess-like quality with dramatic music and sneak up on the boy, turning him into one of their own. Photography was not allowed so these are sneak shots.

Adapters from all over the world connected together to connect the world.

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