Friday, March 5, 2010

Science Museum

Interesting things at the science museum as always, I loved the structure in the last image because the patterns it formed and the way it moved was only powered by 3 things; water, oil and air. The bubbles created look like silvery bullets slowly twisting their way through the glass tubes which is quite surreal after staring at it for a while.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kyoto Garden

This is Kyoto Garden in Holland park, much much more beautiful in real life than in these photos. The sense of tranquility in the early mornings with nothing but the birds and the bamboo deer scarer as background noise makes it the perfect place to just sit, read a book and relax.

froth of water makes it look like settled snow

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Eco build

This event was a really good source of information, seeing what products are out there, what are the latest sustainable materials, learning about cities and how they form and one I particularly enjoyed was a talk by a rather animated woman who told us about how she started a homegrown vegetable and fruit patch that was open to the public for picking and how the community benifited in many different ways. First off they were recieving fresh organic food free, second this act of kindness in turn comes back as those who take the produce bring back jams or soups they made as a thank you gift and third, it brings the neigbours together socially which in turn makes for a safer neighbourhood as they watch out for each other.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

First watercolour attempts

This is quite messy but I like the texture. The first one turned out pretty ok.. I have a long way to go.. practice practice practice!

Monday, March 1, 2010

New Book

Just bought this book to help me improve my watercolouring skills! The drawings inside look fantastic, so excited~